Thursday, October 14, 2010

Poor and Black Claimants Worst Effected By Video-Hearings That Are Replacing In-Person Hearings At Social Security.

Commissioner Michael Astrue

(Commissioner Michael Astrue)

Social Security Administration Keeps Claimants In The Dark.

Today’s unprecedented economic crisis is bringing into sharp focus Social Security’s role as the backbone of the country’s retirement security, as well as the irresponsibility of former President George W. Bush’s policies in regard to this critical program.


Part of the Bush legacy that Astrue has continued are personnel and labor relations policies that hobble agency staff and undermine SSA’s ability to fulfill its duty to the American public. For example, Commissioner Astrue has implemented a policy prohibiting SSA employees from advising SSA claimants regarding their benefit election options. Because benefit election options, such as month of election, impact the eventual amount of benefits received, this prohibition deprives SSA claimants of advice and information

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This is the ultimate insider's guide to the Social Security Disability Determination System. This book explains the Five Step Disability Evaluation Process and attempts to explain why the System does not work as it was intended. It describes the rules, regulations, exceptions, and court decisions that determine the outcome of an application for disability benefits. This is not another "how to" book about filing for Social Security disability benefits. This book is about how the system works. It concerns the nature of the Social Security Disability Determination process. Written by a veteran Social Security Judge this book will simplify the process and make the Social Security Disability Process work for you.
Have you ever wondered how to get Social Security Disability benefits or why your application was denied? 
Whether you are an attorney representing claimants or a claimant trying to act as your own representative, this book will show you how to prevail and collect the benefits to which you are entitled. 

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the two largest Federal assistance programs that provide financial support to those with disabilities. To qualify for benefits, you must meet specific medical criteria outlined by the Social Security Administration (SSA).


The application process can be extremely complicated and confusing.


Have you ever asked yourself:

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What you do not know can hurt you?
At last a book is available that explains the Social Security Disability Determination Process in simple English.
This is the ultimate insider's guide to the Social Security Disability Determination System. This book explains the Five Step Disability Evaluation Process and attempts to explain why the System does not work as it was intended. It describes the rules, regulations, exceptions, and court decisions that determine the outcome of an application for disability benefits. This is not another "how to" book about filing for Social Security disability benefits. This book is about how the system works. It concerns the nature of the Social Security Disability Determination process. Written by a veteran Social Security Judge this book will simplify the process and make the Social Security Disability Process work for you.

Have you ever wondered how to get Social Security Disability benefits or why your application was denied?

Whether you are an attorney representing claimants or a claimant trying to act as your own representative, this book will show you how to prevail and collect the benefits to which you are entitled.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the two largest Federal assistance programs that provide financial support to those with disabilities. To qualify for benefits, you must meet specific medical criteria outlined by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The application process can be extremely complicated and confusing.

Have you ever asked yourself:
Who is eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Can I apply for Social Security Disability or SSI?

How could I increase my chance of winning Disability and/or SSI benefits?

How much money would I receive in monthly payments?

Can I work and receive Social Security Disability Payments?

Is my family entitled to Social Security Disability benefits?

What diseases are considered for Social Security Disability benefits and SSI?

Do I have to hire a lawyer?
