Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From Slavery to the Presidency. From Dred Scott to Barack Obama.
The Pictorial History of a People. Part II

(1) Hope/Change; He gave people a reason to believe again when the country was going in the wrong direction.
(2) Inclusiveness; He brought in those who were historically locked-out of the political process. He did not exclude anyone because of their race, gender, national origin, sexual preference, or political persuasion.
(3) Diversity; He has shown a willingness to work with his opponents and those who disagree with him. He has chosen talented people from across the political spectrum.

From Slavery to the Presidency. From Dred Scott to Barack Obama.
The Pictorial History of a People.



Blogger ichbinalj said...

(1) Hope/Change; He gave people a reason to believe again when the country was going in the wrong direction.
(2) Inclusiveness; He brought in those who were historically locked-out of the political process. He did not exclude anyone because of their race, gender, national origin, sexual preference, or political persuasion.
(3) Diversity; He has shown a willingness to work with his opponents and those who disagree with him. He has chosen talented people from across the political spectrum.

12:49 AM  
Blogger ichbinalj said...

Concerning prison statistics! A new report from the Pew Center on the States paints a predictably un-rosy picture of our national corrections systems. (Incidentally, don't we need to start putting "corrections" in quotes? Really—who or what is being "corrected"?) According to the report, one in 32 adults in Hawaii is "under correctional control," meaning they're either incarcerated or on probation or parole. That's actually slightly lower than the nationwide figure of one in 31, and significantly lower than Texas, where one in 22 adults is in the process of being "corrected."
Speaking of racially skewed statistics, here's the most disturbing part of the Pew Center's findings, and an excellent way to refute the claims of anyone who believes the election of Barack Obama ended racism in America: one in 9 Black males age 18-34 is in prison in the United States. Pause for a moment to let that sink in.

Racism is alive and well.
The Dream is not totally realized.
We have not reached the Promised Land.

9:20 AM  

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